Is this right please ....

3( y - 4 ) - 2 ( 5 - 6y )

= 3 x y = 3y, 3 x - 4 = - 12
-2 x 5 = -10, - 2 x -6y = - 12y

Therefore, 2y -12 -10 -12y

If I am wrong can you advise where I am going wrong .Thanks !!!

You should not write your solutions in bits and pieces, besides some of your steps are not correct.

Here is how it should look:

3( y - 4 ) - 2 ( 5 - 6y )
= 3y - 12 - 10 + 12y
=15y - 22

There seems to be a mistake in your calculations. Let's go through the expression step by step to find the correct answer:

Starting with the given expression:

3(y - 4) - 2(5 - 6y)

First, distribute the terms inside the parentheses:

3y - 12 - 10 + 12y

Now, combine like terms:

(3y + 12y) + (-12 - 10)

Summing up the terms separately:

15y - 22

So, the correct answer is 15y - 22, not 2y - 12 - 10 - 12y as you indicated.

Please make sure to carefully distribute and combine like terms when simplifying an expression.