checking problem

Use FOIL to multiply:
(6x – 1)(3x – 4)
6x*3x + 6x*(-4) + (-1)*3x + (-1)*(-4) =
6x*3x = 18x^2
6x*-4 = -24x
-1*3x = -3x
-1* -4 = 4

18x^2 – 24x -3x +4 =
18x^2 – 27x + 4

Thats right! :)


Any insight on this next one?


I am not sure why but i get the answer

I was thinking the ^0 multiplies everything to 0 but the 9.


(anything) = 1 except 0^0 which is undefined

Anything to the 0 power is 1. And somehow my final answer was

xz^3 / 9^-2y^-2

but i really could be wrong, hopefully someone else can help u with this one cause im not positive!



To multiply using FOIL, follow these steps:

1. Write out the two binomial expressions side by side, like this: (6x - 1)(3x - 4).

2. Begin with the first terms of each binomial and multiply them together. In this case, it is 6x * 3x = 18x^2.

3. Next, multiply the outer terms. Multiply the first term of the first binomial with the last term of the second binomial: 6x * -4 = -24x.

4. Then, multiply the inner terms. Multiply the last term of the first binomial with the first term of the second binomial: -1 * 3x = -3x.

5. Lastly, multiply the last terms of each binomial: -1 * -4 = 4.

Now, combine all the terms together:
18x^2 - 24x - 3x + 4

Simplify like terms by combining the x terms: -24x - 3x = -27x.

The final result is:
18x^2 - 27x + 4.

So, the product of (6x - 1)(3x - 4) using FOIL is 18x^2 - 27x + 4.