
do you have to simplify it?


To solve the equation -4(p+2) + 8 = 2(p-1) - 9p + 20, we need to simplify both sides and then solve for the variable p.

Step 1: Distribute the numbers outside the parentheses:
-4p - 8 + 8 = 2p - 2 - 9p + 20

Simplifying, we have:
-4p = 2p - 9p + 18 + 20

Step 2: Combine like terms on each side of the equation:
-4p = -7p + 38

Step 3: Move all the terms involving p to one side by adding 7p to both sides:
-4p + 7p = -7p + 38 + 7p

Simplifying, we have:
3p = 38

Step 4: Divide both sides by 3 to solve for p:
(3p) / 3 = (38) /3

Simplifying, we have:
p = 38 / 3

So the solution to the equation is p = 38/3.