Would someone please look over these questions and my answers? If I'm wrong,

please let me know.

1. Which one of the following would be
considered a sterotype?

A. Pacific Coast Indians are drunks.

B. Most Central and South American
Hispanics have dark-skin.

C. Children with disabilities should
have access to programs for children
without disabilities.

D. American children who grow up in
the Southern United States have
a distinct accent when they speak.

2. Miss Powell's early childhood
students are from American,French,
and Japanese families whose heads
of household hold management,
professional,and executive level
jobs. These families have chosen
this early learning center because
of its excellent reputation for
teaching English as a second
language, plus early academics.
This group's values and goals would
be identified as:

A. first generation
B. mainstream
C. new middle class
D. socially emerging

3. Maria's family came from Juarez,
Mexico and Paco's from Madrid,Spain.
Both are Hispanic;both speak Spanish
and attend the Catholic Church.
Maria's family tends to be more
conservative and closely bound to
family and tradition whereas Paco's
family have moved into the
mainstream and are progressing up
the middle class ladder.
Contrasts between the two present
one example of a/an:

A. enclave
B. miniculture
C. microculture
D. ghetto

Here are my answers:

1. (D) American children who grow up in
the Southern United States have
a distinct accent when they

2. (B) mainstream

3. (C) microculture

Please be sure you read question number
two closely,because I am not very sure that my answers are all correct.
Please help!

I disagree with your answer for # 1. Please look at A again. Are all Pacific Coast Indians drunks? Isn't that a stereotype?

I think you're right on #2, although none of the answers seem to cover the diverse backgrounds of the students. But mainstream seems to be the closest. I suggest you check your text again to get precise definitions for each of these terms.

Your answer to # 3 is correct.

Ms. Sue,

on question 2, would the best answer be
(B)mainsteam or (C)new middle class?

My text states:

The term mainstream refers to those individuals or groups who share values
of the dominant culture. These are primary members of the middle class
who hold the values of the macroculture
in the U.S. and are not limited to individuals from a single ethnic or racial group.

I am still thinking "mainstream" is a better answer.

Please help!

I agree, that "mainstream" is the better answer. Your question states that the heads of the households hold managerial and professional positions. They are already in the middle class -- so they are not a "new" middle class. These families share the values of the macroculture by having their children learn English and get an early academic education.

Let's go through each question and analyze your answers:

1. The question asks which one of the following would be considered a stereotype. Your answer, (D) American children who grow up in the Southern United States have a distinct accent when they speak, is incorrect. A stereotype is an oversimplified generalization or belief about a particular group of people. The correct answer would be (A) Pacific Coast Indians are drunks, as it is an example of a negative stereotype about a specific group of people.

2. The question asks to identify the values and goals of Miss Powell's early childhood students from American, French, and Japanese families. Your answer, (B) mainstream, is incorrect. Mainstream refers to the dominant culture or the majority population. The correct answer would be (A) first generation, as the families in question have come from different countries and are starting a new generation in a different cultural context.

3. The question asks for an example of a contrast between Maria's family and Paco's family. Your answer, (C) microculture, is correct. Microculture refers to a small group within a larger culture that has its own distinct traditions, values, and behaviors. In this case, Maria's family represents a more conservative and traditional perspective, while Paco's family represents a more progressive and upwardly mobile perspective.

Revised answers:

1. A. Pacific Coast Indians are drunks.
2. A. first generation.
3. C. microculture.

Remember, it's important to carefully read and understand the questions to ensure accurate answers.