I'm having problems coming up with a thesis statement for Edgar Allen Poe's poem The Raven. I have to do an analysis paper. Any suggestions on where to begin?

Here is Poe's discussion about his poem, "The Raven" --


You may get some ideas here. I'd either analyze how he created what I believe his primary theme is (meter, rhyme scheme, other literary devices), or I'd deal with the dialogue between the man and the bird, focusing on the implications of each of the bird's responses.

I hope something here will trigger an idea in your mind.


One thing to think about: Did the bird who kept returning represent depresson and alcoholism, which plagued Poe's life?

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When coming up with a thesis statement for analyzing Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven," it is important to carefully read and analyze the poem itself. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you formulate a strong thesis statement:

1. Read the poem: Begin by reading the poem multiple times to gain a good understanding of its content and literary devices used by Poe. Pay attention to the themes, symbols, language, and rhyme scheme.

2. Identify the main themes: Consider the central themes explored in "The Raven." These may include themes like grief, loss, madness, and the power of the human mind. Reflect on how these themes evolve throughout the poem.

3. Analyze the narrator's emotional state: Delve into the psychological state of the narrator and explore their emotions. Examine how the narrator's grief over the loss of the beloved Lenore manifests and influences their thoughts and actions.

4. Examine the raven: Analyze the symbolism of the raven in the poem. Consider its significance as a messenger of death, a token of melancholy, and a reflection of the narrator's inner torment. Explore how the raven's presence and repetition of "nevermore" affect the tone and meaning of the poem.

5. Consider literary devices: Explore Poe's use of various literary devices, such as repetition, alliteration, metaphor, and symbolism. Analyze how these devices contribute to the overall meaning and impact of the poem.

6. Brainstorm ideas: Based on your understanding of the poem, generate a list of potential thesis statements that reflect your analysis. Consider the various aspects you have examined, such as themes, emotions, symbolism, and literary devices.

7. Refine your thesis statement: Choose the most compelling idea from your brainstorming list and craft a clear and concise thesis statement. Make sure it encapsulates the main argument or interpretation you plan to explore in your analysis paper. For example:

- "Edgar Allan Poe's poem 'The Raven' depicts the protagonist's descent into madness as he struggles with the overwhelming grief of losing his beloved Lenore."

- "Through the symbolic use of the raven, Edgar Allan Poe emphasizes the inescapable presence of death and the narrator's internal torment in his poem 'The Raven.'"

- "In 'The Raven,' Edgar Allan Poe utilizes various literary devices such as repetition, alliteration, and symbolism to create an eerie and haunting atmosphere that mirrors the narrator's psychological deterioration."

Remember that these are just examples, and you should tailor your thesis statement to reflect your own unique analysis of the poem. Make sure you have enough evidence from the poem to support your thesis statement, as your analysis paper will be centered around it.