what is an interrogative statement?

An interrogative statement is a question. It ends with a question mark.

What is an interrogative statement?
What time is dinner?
Who is that masked man?
Are you going to school today?

thank you for the clarification

You're welcome.

An interrogative statement is a type of sentence that is used to ask a question. It is designed to gather information or seek clarification about a certain topic or subject. In English, interrogative statements typically begin with question words such as "who," "what," "where," "when," "why," or "how." These question words help to form a question and signal that the speaker or writer is seeking a response.

To determine if a sentence is an interrogative statement, you can follow these steps:

1. Look for a question word: Check if the sentence starts with question words mentioned above.
Example: Who is going to the party?

2. Check for inversion of subject and verb: In many interrogative statements, the subject and verb order are inverted.
Example: Did you finish your homework?

3. Identify the rising intonation: When spoken, interrogative statements often have a rising tone or inflection at the end of the sentence.
Example: You're coming to the meeting, right?

By analyzing these features, you can identify whether a sentence is an interrogative statement or not.