1. Define audio visual/instructional media.

2. Cite an examples of audio visual/instructional materials.
3. When and how audio visual/instructional media are used?
4. What are its system approach in teaching?

Thank you for using the Jiksha Homework Help Forum. Each Instructional Media Centre may be different. I can only tell you about the one my school had: Overhead projectors, slide projectors, movie projectors, tape recorders, cassette players, televisions. We had video tapes, DVD's, films, slides, videodiscs. Teachers would sign up for certain days and hours. Now there are wonderful smartboards but since I've never used one, I can't tell you how they function.

Frankly, I could not have taught as effectively without an overhead because each "team" had different colored pens to make contributions. Because we studied art slides were fantastic. For the literature we read, we were able to rent films and Tulane University had a wonderful lending library. For presentations individuals used microphones.

It's up to the discipline/teacher, etc. how to use this media. Anything to involve students actively is idea, in my book!

1. Audio visual/instructional media refers to any materials or resources that combine both auditory (audio) and visual elements to facilitate teaching and learning. These elements work together to enhance the understanding and retention of information by engaging multiple senses simultaneously.

2. Examples of audio visual/instructional materials include:
- Educational videos: Videos that explain concepts, demonstrate processes, or provide step-by-step instructions on a specific topic.
- Slideshows: Presentations that combine images, graphs, and text to convey information in a visually appealing manner.
- Interactive whiteboards: Digital teaching tools that allow teachers to present content, annotate, and interact with multimedia resources.
- Audio recordings: Such as podcasts or recorded lectures, which can be used to provide additional explanations or share expert knowledge.

3. Audio visual/instructional media are used in various educational settings for different purposes:
- Classroom teaching: Teachers use these materials to supplement their lectures, make concepts more accessible, and cater to different learning styles.
- E-learning: Online courses and virtual classrooms rely heavily on audio visual/instructional media to deliver content to remote learners.
- Corporate training: Audio visual/instructional media are often used in employee training programs to present information in an engaging and interactive manner.
- Public presentations: Speakers use visual aids, such as slideshows or videos, to support their presentations and make ideas more memorable for the audience.

4. System approach in teaching refers to an instructional design method that focuses on the systematic and effective integration of various elements to promote learning. In the context of audio visual/instructional media, the system approach involves the following steps:
- Identification of instructional objectives: Clearly define what learners should know or be able to do after the instruction.
- Selection of appropriate audio visual/instructional materials: Choose materials that align with the objectives and provide meaningful visual and auditory cues.
- Organization and sequencing of content: Arrange the materials in a logical order, presenting information in a progressive manner.
- Integration with other instructional methods: Combine audio visual/instructional media with other teaching strategies, such as discussions or hands-on activities, to provide a comprehensive learning experience.
- Assessment and evaluation: Assess learners' understanding and progress using appropriate evaluation methods, such as quizzes or performance assessments.

By following this system approach, teachers can effectively utilize audio visual/instructional media to enhance the teaching and learning process.