The Mongols in india were foreigners who were also:

A.) Confucians
B.) Buddhists
C.) Muslims
D.) Christians

c. Muslims

To determine the answer to the question, we need to understand the historical context of the Mongols in India. The Mongols, led by Genghis Khan, were a nomadic people from Central Asia who established one of the largest empires in history during the 13th and 14th centuries. This empire, known as the Mongol Empire, spread across vast territories, including parts of India.

During their rule in India, the Mongols did not subscribe to Confucianism, as that was mainly practiced in East Asia, particularly in China. The Mongols themselves had a shamanistic religious tradition before Genghis Khan's era, but after his reign, the Mongol rulers of India did not predominantly follow this tradition.

Furthermore, the Mongols did have encounters with various religions during their expansion, and some Mongols, particularly those in the Yuan Dynasty in China, did embrace Buddhism. However, Buddhism did not play a significant role in the Mongol rule over India.

Similarly, while the Mongols had interactions with Muslims and had conquered territories with significant Muslim populations, particularly in the Middle East, the Mongols in India were not predominantly Muslims.

Lastly, the Mongols did not practice Christianity, as this religion originated in a different part of the world and didn't have significant interactions with Mongol territories.

Therefore, the correct answer is C.) Muslims. The Mongols in India consisted of rulers who were Muslims and incorporated Islamic practices and traditions into their administration. It is important to note that the Mongol Empire was vast, and different regions under Mongol rule might have had varying religious affiliations due to cultural diversity.

To find this answer, one could consult historical texts, scholarly articles, or specific sources detailing the Mongol era in India. Understanding the historical context, including the religion of the Mongols and their interactions in different regions, helps in finding the correct answer.