The final project for ETH 125 is a 1,400- to 1,750-word autobiographical research paper on race in your community. Where do you suggest I start looking things up at? Help me please


I'm a student and I sort of did a paper on this a few months ago. To pick my topic, I basically wrote about my own race, because I know most about it. Then, I picked a problem in my community that my race (which is a minority) deals with constantly, so I just wrote about this problem and how it affected me.

Hope that helps :]

To begin researching for your autobiographical research paper on race in your community, you can employ a variety of resources. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Local Libraries: Visit your community or nearby libraries and explore their collections. Ask the librarians for assistance in finding books, articles, and other materials related to race in your community. Check for local history books, memoirs, or sociological studies that may provide insights.

2. Academic Databases: Utilize online academic databases such as JSTOR, ProQuest, or EBSCOhost. These databases offer access to scholarly journals, research papers, and articles on a wide range of topics, including race and ethnicity. Use keywords related to your community and race to narrow down search results.

3. Online Archives: Look for online archives specifically focused on your community or region. Many cities, universities, and historical organizations maintain digital collections that include materials on local history, demographics, or racial dynamics. These archives often provide primary resources like photographs, interviews, and historical documents.

4. Government Websites and Reports: Visit government websites at the local, state, and national levels to gather data and reports related to race and ethnicity within your community. Some government agencies publish statistics, demographic studies, and policy documents that can be valuable for your research.

5. Local Historical Societies or Archives: Contact local historical societies, cultural organizations, or archives in your community. They may have materials or personal accounts related to the racial history and experiences in your area.

6. Community-based Organizations: Reach out to community-based organizations that focus on racial justice, human rights, or social activism in your locality. These organizations may have resources, reports, or initiatives related to race in your community.

Remember to keep notes and properly cite any information you gather during your research. Conducting interviews with community members who have firsthand experiences can also provide valuable insights for your paper.