If Jenny built a triangle out of soup cans and there are 4 at the top row she added 2 cans to every next row so there are 8 cans in the second row. How many cans are in the 12th row?

48 cans

To find out how many cans are in the 12th row, you can observe the pattern of cans being added to each row.

In this case, Jenny started with 4 cans in the top row and then added 2 cans to each subsequent row. This means the number of cans in each row follows an arithmetic sequence.

To find the number of cans in the 12th row, we can use the formula for the nth term of an arithmetic sequence:

nth term = first term + (n - 1) * common difference

In this case, the first term is 4 (the number of cans in the top row) and the common difference is 2 (since Jenny added 2 cans to each subsequent row).

Plugging these values into the formula:

12th term = 4 + (12 - 1) * 2
= 4 + 11 * 2
= 4 + 22
= 26

Therefore, there are 26 cans in the 12th row.