i need help with word problems dealing with estimation

Please post a couple of your problems and we'll be glad to help you.

James,Max,and Melba collect baseball cards.James has 870 cards,Max has 569 cards,and Melba has 812 cards.Do the three friends have more than 2,000 baseball cards?

In an estimation problem, you need to round the numbers to get numbers that are easy to add in your head. You could round each number to the nearest 100 -- so you'd add 900 + 600 + 800.

Is the sum more than 2,000?

Of course! I can assist you with word problems that involve estimation. Estimation is the process of getting a rough, approximate answer to a problem without needing to calculate exact values. It is useful when you don't have precise numbers or need a quick approximation. When solving word problems with estimation, follow these steps:

1. Read the problem carefully: Understand the information provided and identify what needs to be estimated.
2. Identify key numbers: Look for the known quantities in the problem. These might be given directly or implied.
3. Round numbers: Round any given or known values to the nearest whole number or a specific decimal place, depending on the problem's requirements.
4. Perform mental math: Use rounding to perform calculations mentally. For example, you can round 27 to 30 and 13 to 10, making it easier to add them together.
5. Check reasonableness: Determine if your estimated answer makes sense. Compare it with the original problem and consider the context of the situation.

Now, if you have a specific estimation word problem, feel free to provide it, and I'll guide you through solving it step by step.