essay question is:

the golden age of classical greece (500-323 BC) is the first great age of humanism in the evolution of western civilization. if this is true, how might we account for its development in the greek renaissance (800-500 BCE)? Show how the greek humanism has evolved from the renaissance through the classical period.

i just need some ideas so i know where to begin

These sites should get you started.

To answer this essay question effectively, it's important to understand the key concepts and historical periods involved. Here are some ideas to help you get started on your essay:

1. Define the Greek Renaissance (800-500 BCE): In this period, Greece experienced a cultural revival marked by advancements in art, literature, philosophy, and political systems. During this time, Greek city-states emerged, laying the foundation for the development of humanistic values.

2. Highlight the origins of humanism: Humanism places emphasis on individualism, rationality, and the pursuit of knowledge. To account for the development of humanism during the Greek Renaissance, you can explore factors such as:

a. Influence of mythology and religious beliefs: Greek mythology focused on human experiences, values, and dilemmas. This emphasis on human nature and the moral dilemmas faced by individuals could have laid the groundwork for humanistic thought.

b. Role of philosophy: Prominent Greek philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle delved into questions about ethics, morality, and the nature of existence. These philosophical inquiries challenged traditional religious beliefs and led to a greater emphasis on human intellectual capabilities.

c. Emergence of democratic ideals: The Greek Renaissance witnessed the birth of democratic systems, such as in Athens. Democracy granted political power to citizens, fostering a sense of individualism, civic responsibility, and participation in public affairs.

3. Transition to the Golden Age of Classical Greece (500-323 BC): Show how the Greek Renaissance laid the foundation for the Golden Age of Classical Greece and the subsequent evolution of Greek humanism. Some possible points could be:

a. The Persian Wars (500-479 BC): Greek city-states united against the Persian Empire, highlighting the collective spirit and patriotism of the Greek people. This event further emphasized the importance of individual freedom, political participation, and cultural achievements.

b. Athenian democracy and cultural flourishing: The democratic system in Athens allowed citizens to participate directly in decision-making, creating an environment conducive to the pursuit of knowledge, art, and intellectual discourse. The works of playwrights like Sophocles and philosophers like Socrates and Plato exemplify this cultural flowering.

c. Advancements in art and architecture: The Classical Period witnessed remarkable artistic achievements, like the construction of the Parthenon and the development of naturalistic sculpture. These artistic pursuits celebrated the beauty of the human form and reflected a humanistic worldview.

In your essay, remember to provide evidence, examples, and references to support your arguments. Analyze primary and secondary sources, such as historical texts, philosophical works, and artistic representations, to strengthen your points. Good luck!