Joel has $20. he needs a calculator that costs $12 and some notebooks that cost $2 each. Write an inequality that can be used to find the number of notebooks, n, that Joel can afford to buy.

clearly the cost of the notebooks plus the calculator has to be equal to or less than $20

Now translate this into "math"

12 + 2n ≤ 20



To write an inequality that represents the number of notebooks Joel can afford to buy, we first need to express the cost of the notebooks in terms of the number of notebooks.

Since each notebook costs $2, and Joel can buy multiple notebooks, we can multiply the cost per notebook ($2) by the number of notebooks (n) to get the total cost of the notebooks.

Therefore, the inequality can be written as:
2n + 12 ≤ 20

Here's how we got to this inequality:

The expression "2n" represents the cost of the notebooks.
The expression "2n + 12" represents the total cost of the calculator ($12) and the notebooks (2n).
Joel has $20, so the total cost of the calculator and notebooks cannot exceed $20. Hence, we write the inequality as "2n + 12 ≤ 20" to indicate that the total cost of the notebooks (2n) plus the cost of the calculator ($12) should be less than or equal to $20.