the phrase"it is very cold" depends mainly on


It must depend upon comparison. What is "very cold" in Mississippi might be "very warm" in parts of Alaska.

there is no trace of oberfest day ,not even a spire,because the snow is so deep,and in the shadow of the mountains it is very cold.this phrase it is very cold depends mainly on?

To determine the answer, let's break down each option and see how it relates to the phrase "it is very cold."

a) Comparison: The phrase "it is very cold" does not explicitly compare anything with something else. It simply describes a state of extreme coldness without making any comparisons.

b) Connotation: Connotation refers to the emotional or cultural associations of a word or phrase. The phrase "it is very cold" does not carry any specific connotation; it is a straightforward statement about temperature.

c) Rhyme: Rhyme refers to the similarity of sounds at the end of words. Since the phrase "it is very cold" does not rhyme, this option can be eliminated.

d) Rhythm: Rhythm relates to the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a phrase or sentence. While "it is very cold" does have a rhythm, it is not the primary factor in conveying its meaning.

e) Sound: Sound refers to the specific auditory qualities of a word or phrase. In this case, "it is very cold" does convey the idea of a harsh, chilling sound associated with extreme coldness.

Based on the analysis above, the phrase "it is very cold" depends mainly on the sound of the words, making option e) the correct answer.