in the eighteenth century liberals stressed?

b)equal of opportunity
c)economic equality

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in eighteenth century liberals stressed?

In the eighteenth century, liberals stressed the concept of equal opportunity, so the correct answer would be "b) equal opportunity."

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the historical context and principles associated with liberalism during the eighteenth century. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Understand the ideology of liberalism: Liberalism is a political and social ideology that emerged during the Enlightenment period, focusing on individual freedoms, equality, and limited government intervention.

2. Study the time period: The eighteenth century was a time of enlightenment and political transformation, marked by the rise of the Age of Enlightenment and significant historical events like the American and French Revolutions.

3. Analyze liberal thinkers: Explore the ideas of prominent liberal philosophers and writers who shaped the discourse during that time, such as John Locke, Voltaire, Adam Smith, and Montesquieu. These thinkers championed individual rights, personal freedoms, and the idea of equal opportunity for all individuals.

4. Determine the emphasis of liberals in the eighteenth century: By considering the ideas and principles advocated by liberal thinkers during that period, you will find that they greatly emphasized equal opportunity rather than dictatorship or economic equality. Equal opportunity aligned with the liberal belief in individual liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the right to compete freely in society.

By following these steps, you can come to the conclusion that in the eighteenth century, liberals stressed the importance of equal opportunity.