find the value of 22/15x65/33x18/13

Search for numbers that will divide into numerator and denominator.


For example:
3 into 15 = 5 and into 18 = 6.
5 into 15 = 13.
13 on top cancels with 13 on bottom.
3 into 6 is 2 and into 33 is 11.
11 into 22 is 2
2 x 2 = 4.

Divied 15/8 into a equation

To find the value of the expression 22/15 * 65/33 * 18/13, follow these steps:

1. Multiply the numerators 22, 65, and 18 together: 22 * 65 * 18 = 25,740.
2. Multiply the denominators 15, 33, and 13 together: 15 * 33 * 13 = 6,435.
3. Divide the result from step 1 by the result from step 2: 25,740 / 6,435 = 4.

Therefore, the value of the expression 22/15 * 65/33 * 18/13 is 4.