What is the date, location, and outcome/significance of the battles of Trenton, Saratoga, Yorktown, Lexington and Concord.

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To find the dates, locations, and outcomes/significance of the battles of Trenton, Saratoga, Yorktown, Lexington, and Concord, you can start by conducting a simple online search. Many reputable websites and resources, such as history databases, encyclopedias, or even textbooks, contain detailed information about historical battles. Let me guide you through the search process:

1. Open a web browser of your choice.
2. In the search bar, type "battles of Trenton, Saratoga, Yorktown, Lexington and Concord dates, locations, outcomes."
3. Press Enter or click on the search icon to process the query.
4. Review the search results. Look for websites that are dedicated to historical events or reputable sources like academic institutions, historical societies, or government websites.
5. Open several sources to cross-reference the information and ensure accuracy.

Here is a brief overview of the battles you asked about:

1. Battle of Trenton:
- Date: December 26, 1776
- Location: Trenton, New Jersey, United States
- Important significance: It was a crucial American victory during the American Revolutionary War, boosting morale and leading to further enlistments.

2. Battles of Saratoga (actually referring to two battles: First Battle of Saratoga and Second Battle of Saratoga):
- Dates: September 19, 1777 (First Battle) and October 7, 1777 (Second Battle)
- Location: Saratoga, New York, United States
- Important significance: It marked a turning point in the Revolutionary War as the battle ended in a decisive American victory, ultimately convincing France to enter the war on the American side.

3. Battle of Yorktown:
- Dates: September 28 – October 19, 1781
- Location: Yorktown, Virginia, United States
- Important significance: It was the last major battle of the American Revolution, resulting in a combined American and French victory over the British, leading to the British surrender and effectively ending the war.

4. Battles of Lexington and Concord (Treated together as they were the first battles of the American Revolutionary War):
- Date: April 19, 1775
- Location: Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, United States
- Important significance: The battles sparked the Revolutionary War. The first shots fired at Lexington and Concord symbolized the American colonists' resistance to British control and their fight for independence.

Remember, conducting thorough research on these battles will provide you with more detailed information and insights into their historical context.