How many meters are in one Hectometer?

How many Meters are in one Kilometer?
How many grams are in one Centigram?
How many Grams are in one Kilogram?

1000m in a km

1000g in a kg

To find the number of meters in one hectometer, you can break down the word "hectometer." "Hecto" is a metric prefix that represents 100. Hence, there are 100 meters in one hectometer.

To find the number of meters in one kilometer, we can apply the same approach. "Kilo" is a metric prefix that represents 1000. Therefore, there are 1000 meters in one kilometer.

To determine the number of grams in one centigram, we use the same logic. "Centi" is a prefix that represents 1/100th of the base unit. In this case, the base unit is a gram. Therefore, there are 1/100th of a gram in one centigram.

Lastly, to find the number of grams in one kilogram, we remember that the prefix "kilo" represents 1000. Thus, there are 1000 grams in one kilogram.