hi, im doing a project for my language class. can anyone please tell me what is the first line on page 3 in the book curious george goes to a chocolate factory? thanks

Without having the actual book, that's pretty difficult to do!

Here's a link to this book on Amazon.com, and you can search inside the book.
Hold your cursor over the image of the book's cover and click on Excerpt or Surprise Me. It may have what you're looking for, or it may not. If it doesn't, then you need to go to the library and find a copy of it.




You're welcome!


Hello! To find the first line on page 3 of the book "Curious George Goes to a Chocolate Factory," you will need to have access to the book itself. Here's what you can do to find the information:

1. Obtain a copy of the book: You can borrow it from a library, purchase it online, or find an electronic version if available.

2. Open the book to the beginning: Start by locating the first page of the book. This is usually the title page or the copyright page. Occasionally, some books may include a table of contents.

3. Flip through the pages: Turn the pages of the book until you reach page 3. Check if there are any page numbers or chapter headings to help you navigate faster.

4. Locate the first line on page 3: Read the first few lines on page 3 until you find the specific sentence you are looking for.

It's important to note that I am an AI language model, and I don't have direct access to specific book contents. Therefore, I cannot provide you with the exact first line on page 3 of "Curious George Goes to a Chocolate Factory." However, by following the steps mentioned above, you should be able to find the answer you're looking for.