solve for x

8x - 11 = -11x + 18

add 11x to both sides,

add 11 to both sides.

you have $8000 in stocks,samo of it on 15% and some of it on 6%. Together you get anually $930. How much do you have at 15% and how much at 6%?

To solve for x in the equation 8x - 11 = -11x + 18, we need to isolate the variable x on one side of the equation.

Step 1: Combine like terms on both sides of the equation.

On the left side, we have 8x, and on the right side, we have -11x. Combining these like terms gives us:

8x + 11x - 11 = 18

This simplifies to:

19x - 11 = 18

Step 2: Move the constant term to the other side of the equation.

To do this, we can add 11 to both sides of the equation:

19x - 11 + 11 = 18 + 11

Simplifying this equation yields:

19x = 29

Step 3: Solve for x.

To isolate x, we need to divide both sides of the equation by 19:

(19x)/19 = 29/19

This simplifies to:

x = 29/19

Therefore, the solution for x in the equation 8x - 11 = -11x + 18 is x = 29/19.