How does the fact that people from other countries come to America for health care tend to influence the measured share of our GDP that is devoted to health care in America?

Foreigners using US health care increase the share of GDP by the health care industry

Why and how does this phenomena increase the share of GDP

The fact that people from other countries come to America for health care can have an influence on the measured share of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that is allocated to health care in America. To understand this influence, we need to consider a couple of factors.

Firstly, when people from other countries come to America for health care, they contribute to the overall utilization of healthcare services within the country. This means that their spending on health care services, such as doctor visits, surgeries, or medical treatments, becomes a part of the total spending in the healthcare sector. As a result, it can increase the measured share of the GDP that is allocated to health care.

Secondly, the expenditures made by international patients in the American healthcare system can be substantial. These expenditures include payments for medical procedures, hospital stays, medications, and other healthcare-related services. When these payments are recorded in the GDP calculations, they add to the overall healthcare spending component, thus increasing the measured share of GDP devoted to health care.

However, it's important to note that while international patients' spending contributes to the measured share of GDP devoted to health care, it does not necessarily reflect the overall health status or healthcare needs of the American population. The GDP-based measurement primarily captures the economic activity related to healthcare rather than the actual health outcomes and access to care for the domestic population.

To determine the exact influence of international patients on the measured share of GDP devoted to health care, specific data related to their spending and the methodology used for GDP calculations would need to be analyzed.