How do I write an expression? Example:John starts with 37 marbles. He gives one marble to all the kids on his ball team and one to each of his 2 brothers.

Please explain how I do this.

Math expressions are simply stating what the problem is using math symbols. This one would be:

37 - 2 - x

The "x" stands for the number of kids on his ball team -- a number which you don't know.


Thank you very much.

You're very welcome!


Susan had 24 stamps. She used some of them to mail letters.

How do I write an expression from that?

Nancy had 23 books > her Dad bought some books and gave Nancy all but three of them...

Expression please?


To write an expression for this scenario, you'll need to determine the number of marbles John will have left after giving away some. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start with the initial number of marbles John has: 37.
2. Determine the number of kids on his ball team: Let's say there are K kids on the team.
3. Determine the number of John's brothers: Let's say John has B brothers.
4. Determine the total number of marbles John gives away: John gives away 1 marble to each kid on his ball team and 1 marble to each of his 2 brothers. So, the total number of marbles he gives away is K (for the kids) + 2 (for the brothers).
5. Write the expression: To represent the number of marbles John will have left, you can subtract the number of marbles he gives away from the initial number of marbles. The expression would be: 37 - (K + 2).

So, the expression to represent the number of marbles John will have left is 37 - (K + 2), where K represents the number of kids on his ball team. Keep in mind that this expression can be simplified further if needed.