after britain sent troops to boston to stop resistance to the townsedn acts, tensions exploded in the boston massacre of 1770 what was the effect?

The effect of the Boston Massacre in 1770 was significant and played a role in escalating tensions between the American colonists and the British government. Here are some specific effects:

1. Heightened Resistance: The incident fueled anti-British sentiment and intensified the American colonists' resistance against British rule. It increased support for the growing revolutionary movement and united various colonies in their opposition to British policies.

2. Propaganda and Outrage: News of the Boston Massacre spread throughout the colonies, leading to a wave of colonial propaganda. Engravings and newspaper articles depicted British soldiers as ruthless killers and innocent colonists as unarmed victims. This propaganda was used to rally support for independence and to further stoke the flames of rebellion.

3. Legal Consequences: The British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre were put on trial for murder. However, thanks to the legal representation by John Adams, most of them were acquitted or received minor punishments. This trial further galvanized resentment against British authority and highlighted the importance of the rule of law in colonial society.

4. Committees of Correspondence: The Boston Massacre prompted the formation of Committees of Correspondence, which were local organizations established to communicate and coordinate resistance efforts among the colonies. These committees played a crucial role in uniting the colonies and disseminating information about the British government's actions.

Overall, the Boston Massacre acted as a catalyst for the escalation of tensions between Britain and the American colonies, contributing to the eventual outbreak of the American Revolutionary War.