i finished writing my intro and i'm working on writing my second paragraph in which i have to narrate my story as if i was telling it to another person.

Here I go:

For eight years, i was born and raised in India. My family and i lived in an four story apartments which included seven other families and their kids in the apartment. All of our families were very close and we called eachother family because we have this huge history together. The parents knew eachother before the kids were born. While the dads went to work in the same company, the moms would get together and go shopping or gossip.

After a couple of years, all the kids were born and the kids became close like the parents. My friends and i would ride bicycles and we all went to the same school together. We attended a school that includes grades from preschool to grade twelve. we knew eachother since we were practically babies so i have this connection with them that i don't have with my other friends in USA. we attended eachother's first birthday parties. Our parents shared our first step and first word with eachother.

Now i kinda need help revising my paragraph espicially about the part of the parents. i think it would be cool to say that the parents were friends before all the kids were born and there were all together. I don't know if i'm going use everything in the paragraph but i'm just freewriting right now.

The basic idea of this paragraph is me telling what kind of life i had in india before coming to america. I was with my friends and we would hang out with eachother and play and we were like family so to get away from them broke my heart.

So i just want to explain why these friends are so important to me because i knew them ever since they were born and they knew me ever since i was born.

Great job on writing your introduction and starting on your second paragraph! It's important to build a strong narrative that engages your readers. I can help you revise your paragraph and provide some suggestions:

"For eight years, I had the privilege of growing up in India. Our home was a four-story apartment building, housing seven other families and a plethora of children. Within this vibrant community, we shared an unbreakable bond, treating each other as extended family due to our extensive shared history. Remarkably, our parents had been friends long before any of us were born. They worked together, forging close ties in the same company. Meanwhile, our mothers formed close-knit circles, indulging in shopping trips and engaging in lively gossip sessions.

As the years passed, the next generation came into the world, and these children grew up side by side, just as close as their parents. Together, we embarked on countless adventures, pedaling our bicycles through the bustling streets. This tight-knit camaraderie extended to our educational journeys as well. We all attended the same school, a remarkable institution accommodating students from preschool to twelfth grade.

From our earliest days, we formed an unbreakable bond, celebrating each other's triumphs and milestones. We shared the joy of first birthdays, while our parents documented and delighted in our first steps and words, eagerly sharing these precious moments with one another."

Feel free to use this revised paragraph as a starting point for your narrative. Remember to adapt and personalize it according to your own experiences and style of writing.