You have the #s o,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and each number represents a letter in the oceans - PACIFIC, BALTIC, ARTIC. If you add up the numbers your answer is the seven Cs or c,ccc,ccc. What is the value of PACIFIC?

To determine the value of the word "PACIFIC" using the given numbers, we need to assign a distinct number to each letter in the word. Given that the sum of the numbers is "c,ccc,ccc," we can deduce the following:

Since the sum of the numbers represents the roman numeral for 7, we can break it down as follows:
c = 100,000
ccc = 300

Now, let's map the numbers to the letters in the word "PACIFIC:"

P = 3
A = 100,000
C = 400
I = 1
F = 0

From this mapping, we can see that the value assigned to PACIFIC is 100,341.