Our task was to read the Enuma Elish and answer the following questions:

Where does evil come from in this myth, and how is it symbolized?
Is the defeat of evil final and total? Does evil have any good qualities?

Here are some sites which may help you answer these questions



To answer the second question, Can the defeat of evil ever be total... I suspect that reviewing history will give you the best answer to that.... To be concise... Humanity will be human.
MY opinion solely... sometimes when people see an evil act, they respond in a "good" way to counteract that evil.

To answer these questions about the Enuma Elish, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Read the Enuma Elish.
Obtain a copy of the Enuma Elish, an ancient Mesopotamian creation myth, and read it thoroughly.

Step 2: Identify the origin of evil.
As you read the myth, pay attention to passages that discuss the origin of evil. Look for any specific characters, actions, or events that can be linked to the concept of evil.

Step 3: Note the symbolization of evil.
While reading, look for symbols or representations associated with evil in the Enuma Elish. These symbols may be mentioned directly or indirectly, so pay attention to the descriptions and actions of characters involved in acts of evil.

Step 4: Analyze the defeat of evil.
Consider the events in the myth that challenge or defeat evil. Look for specific incidents or characters that play a role in overcoming evil forces. Evaluate whether these defeats are portrayed as final and total, or if they suggest the possibility of evil's return.

Step 5: Assess the qualities of evil.
Examine the myth for any indications of evil possessing any positive or redeeming qualities. Consider whether evil is portrayed as purely destructive or if it has elements that could be perceived as beneficial or necessary in certain contexts.

Step 6: Formulate your answers.
Based on the information gathered from the previous steps, form your responses to the questions about evil's origin, symbolization, the nature of its defeat, and any potential positive qualities it may possess.

By following these steps, you can engage with the text and develop well-informed answers to the questions related to evil in the Enuma Elish.