what is a inverted pyramed?

An organization structure with a few people doing the actual work at the bottom of the heap, and many levels of managers and management support staff "running things". Lower levels of of the org. chart tend to have more bosses than people to manage. There are typically many vice presidents and "chief---officers" for this and that.

My previous answer does not address the intent of your question, which I assume refers to how news stories are written. For that context, you can find your answer at


An inverted pyramid, also known as an upside-down pyramid or an inverted triangle, refers to a shape or structure where the base is positioned at the top and gradually narrows down towards the bottom. In various contexts, it can represent different concepts or ideas.

For example, in journalism, the inverted pyramid is a writing style often used for news articles. It involves placing the most essential information at the beginning of the article, with supporting details and less crucial information following in descending order of importance. This structure allows readers to quickly grasp the main points even if they only read the first paragraph or two.

To visualize an inverted pyramid, imagine a regular pyramid flipped over, so the pointed top becomes the wide base.