I need help with this question:

replace the underlined nouns in this paragraph with personal pronouns.Write the pronouns on the lines below. The nouns have a number right next to them for you to read.

Here is the paragraph:

Squanto was a Pawtuxet Indian man who came to the aid of the Pilgrims at the Plymouth Colony. The (1)Pilgrims were near starvation after a very bad winter. Squanto taught the (2)Pilgrims how to plant corn.(3)Squanto's showed the Pilgrims the best places to hunt and fish. (4)Squanto's ability to speak English came quite handy for the Pilgrims. Squanto acted as the (5)Pilgrims' interpreter with the Indian chief Massasoit when the two groups were working out a treaty. (6)Squanto proved (7)Squato's freindship with the Pilgrims many times. The (8)Pilgrims were grateful.

I need help on how to actually do this problem?

The personal pronouns are I, me, we, us, you, he, him, she, her, they, them. You are to change the underlined nouns to one of these pronouns.

For instance, (1) The Pilgrims should be changed to They.
(2) the Pilgrims = them

If you post your answers to the rest of the paragraph, we'll be glad to check them.


Other personal pronouns are:
my, mine, your, yours, his, hers, their

(3) Squanto = he (4) Squanto’s = his (5) Pilgrims’ = their (6) Squanto = he (7) Squanto’s = his (8) Pilgrims = they

To replace the underlined nouns in the paragraph with personal pronouns, you need to identify the nouns and then choose the appropriate pronouns to replace them. Here's how you can approach this problem:

1. Read the paragraph carefully and identify the underlined nouns that need to be replaced. In this case, the nouns are "Squanto," "Pawtuxet Indian man," "Pilgrims," "corn," "the Pilgrims' interpreter," "(Squanto's) friendship," and "the Pilgrims."

2. Determine the appropriate pronouns to replace each noun based on their grammatical function and number.

- Squanto: He (singular pronoun)
- Pawtuxet Indian man: He (singular pronoun)
- Pilgrims: They (plural pronoun)
- Corn: It (singular pronoun)
- The Pilgrims' interpreter: His (singular possessive pronoun)
- (Squanto's) Friendship: His (singular possessive pronoun)
- The Pilgrims: They (plural pronoun)

3. Write the appropriate pronouns on the lines below each noun:

- Squanto was a Pawtuxet Indian man who came to the aid of the Pilgrims at the Plymouth Colony. The (1) Pilgrims were near starvation after a very bad winter. Squanto taught them how to plant (2) corn. (3) His showed them the best places to hunt and fish. (4) His ability to speak English came in quite handy for them. Squanto acted as (5) their interpreter with the Indian chief Massasoit when the two groups were working out a treaty. (6) Squanto proved (7) his friendship with them many times. (8) They were grateful.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully replace the underlined nouns in the paragraph with the appropriate personal pronouns.