Alex scored 13 points in the basketball game. This was 1 fifth of the total points the team scored. Write and solve an equation to determine the total points t the team scored.

What is the equation?

t = (13)(5)


To determine the total points the team scored, you can set up an equation based on the information given. Let's represent the total points scored by the team as 't'.

According to the problem, "Alex scored 13 points in the basketball game. This was 1 fifth of the total points the team scored."

We can translate this into the equation:

13 = (1/5)t

To solve for 't', we can multiply both sides of the equation by 5 to eliminate the fraction:

5 * 13 = (1/5) * 5t

65 = t

Therefore, the total points scored by the team is 65.