in the following sentence I am to cirle the indirect object pronouns and draw an arrow to the direct object they stand for.

A mi me gusta ir de compras. Es muy divertido comprar regalos para mi famililia y mis amigos.

MY ANSWSER is this correct.
** cirled me arrow to a mi
** cirled los in regalos arrow to mi famililia

Muy bien!

Hola, otra vez. Since we can't draw circles and it's a bit difficult to draw arrows (-----> or <-----) Or ,at least it is hard to read!

#1 The indirect object pronoun (IOP) is "me" = to me
The direct object (DO) is "ir de compras" = to go shoping.
Literally the sentence says "Shopping/To go shopping" IS pleasing to me. (A mí)

In the next one: "to buy gifts or comprar regalos" is the DO and "for my family and for my friends" the IND are "mi familia = check spelling" and "mis amigos."

I will post the charts IF I can post. Unfortunately everything is on my computer but it rarely will copy and post to Jiskha!


Yes, you have correctly circled "me" and "los" as the indirect object pronouns in the sentence. However, the correct arrow should be from "los" to "regalos" instead of "mi familia." This is because "los" refers to "regalos" (gifts), not "mi familia" (my family).

So, your final answer would be:

** circled "me" and arrow to "a mi"
** circled "los" and arrow to "regalos"