Can you check if these are metaphorical definitions.

1. Friendship is a electric magnet.
2. Cooperation is a huge smile.
3. Determination is proudly hitting a home run.
4. Happiness is going sailing in a new boat.

Yes, but "electromagnet" is more correct that "electric magnet". I would also not equate deetermination to being "proud". It takes determination and a lot of hard work to be able to hit home runs.

Yes. Those are great metaphorical definitions.

All are good, as Drwls and Ms. Sue have said. In the first one, though, be sure to use "an" instead of "a" before a word that starts with a vowel:

Friendship is an electric magnet.


Certainly! Let's take a look at each statement and determine if it contains a metaphorical definition.

1. "Friendship is an electric magnet."
This statement contains a metaphorical definition. In this example, the speaker is comparing the concept of friendship to that of an electric magnet. The magnet is used to convey the idea that friendship attracts and brings people together, just like a magnet attracts metal objects.

2. "Cooperation is a huge smile."
Yes, this statement also includes a metaphorical definition. Here, the speaker is comparing cooperation to a huge smile. This metaphor suggests that cooperation is a positive and uplifting experience, just as a smile brightens someone's face.

3. "Determination is proudly hitting a home run."
This statement also contains a metaphorical definition. The speaker is comparing determination to the act of hitting a home run in a sports game. This metaphor conveys the idea that determination is associated with achieving success or reaching a goal, similar to the feeling of accomplishment one experiences when hitting a home run.

4. "Happiness is going sailing in a new boat."
Once again, this statement includes a metaphorical definition. In this example, the speaker is comparing happiness to the experience of going sailing in a new boat. The metaphor suggests that happiness is connected to a sense of freedom, relaxation, and enjoyment, similar to the feeling one might have when sailing in a brand-new boat.

To summarize, all four statements contain metaphorical definitions. Metaphors are figures of speech that compare two unrelated things to create a vivid and imaginative description. In each case, the speaker is using metaphors to enhance the understanding and depiction of the concepts being discussed.