Can someone check this recipe for me? I don't know how to use "de" properly.

* 1 livre [454 g] de les liens de saucisson italiens doux, a coupé
* 6 oeufs
* 2 [10-ounce/de 284 mL chaque] d'emballe gelé a coupé des épinards, dégelés et bien drainés
* 1 [16-ounce/de 454 g] du fromage de mozzarella de tas, a déchiqueté [4 tasses/1 L]
* 2/3 tasse [160 mL] du fromage de ricotta
* 1/2 teaspon [2.5 mL] le sel
* 1 [10 à de 11 onces/284 à de 312 g] le mélange de piecrust de packet
* 1 cuillère à soupe [15 mL] eau

* Dans un de 10 pouces [25-cm] poêle, par-dessus la chaleur moyenne, la viande de saucisson de cuisinier, remuant fréquemment, jusqu' à bien browned, à peu près 10 minutes.
* La Cuillère du gras de la poêle.
* Réserver 1 jaune d'oeuf.
* Dans un grand bol, combiner ensemble restant que les oeufs et pousse blanc, la viande de saucisson, drainée a coupé des épinards, le fromage de mozzarella déchiqueté, le fromage de ricotta et le sel.
* Diviser la pâte dans 2 parties, 1 légèrement plus grand que l'autre ; former chaque partie dans une balle.
* Sur une légèrement surface de floured, utilisant un rouleau à pâtisserie de floured, le rouleau grande balle dans un cercle, 2 pouces [5 cm] plus grand tout autour qu'un de 9 pouces [23 cm] la plaque de tarte ; la plaque de tarte de ligne.
* Le mélange de saucisson de Cuillère dans la coquille de tarte.
* Le Rouleau restant la balle de pâtisserie dans un de 10 pouces [25-cm] cercle.
* Découper un petit cercle du centre ; le transfert par-dessus la garniture.
* Tailler le bord de tarte, partant 1/2 pouce [1.3 cm] le recouvrement ; le pli chevauchant la pâte au-dessous du bord et la presse le doucement tout autour bord, formant un bord de position-en haut.
* La Coupure fend sur le sommet de pâtisserie.
* Dans un petit bol, un battement a réservé ensemble le jaune d'oeuf et l'eau.
* Le sommet de Brosse de tarte avec certains de pousse le mélange de jaune.
* Les fragments de pâte de Rouleau ensemble ; la coupure dans les formes décoratives, décorer le sommet de tarte et de brosse decoratins avec le mélange de jaune d'oeuf.
* Le Cuire dans un a préchauffé 375°F [190°C] four pour 1 1/4 heures, jusqu' à doré.
* Servir chaud, laisser la tarte représente 10 minutes à la température de pièce avant de le couper dans les coins.
* Servir le froid, réfrigérer la tarte, découverte, jusqu'à ce que bien refroidi ; alors la couverture avec le plastique emballe et réfrigère jusqu'à ce que prêt à servir.

Bon Soir! I'll work on this tomorrow a.m. because it's late for me this evening. It is always best to provide the English because in some cases, I'm not sure what you are trying to say.

Look for this tomorrow.


??? I have NO idea

Bon Jour! Let's talk first of all about "Translation."

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. It's always wise to post a couple of days before something is due. That way you have time to correct what you have done.

Here are the "steps" to translating well:
1. Get a good dictionary.
2. Look up the necessary words going from English to French.
3. Write down ALL the French possibilities.
4. Take each French word now and look up the PRIMARY English meaning.
5. Make your selection carefully, based on the CONTEXT or exactly how the word is used.
6. Use the vocabulary and structures you have learned in class. Otherwise you waste too much time with the dictionary.
7. Proofread very carefully for spelling, gender (masculine/feminine), number (singular/plural), agreement of adjectives with the noun(s) modifed and agreement of the verbs with the subject.
8. Post here in both the English and the French for Proofreading/Correcting, etc. Otherwise we may have no idea what you are trying to say.

After you DO the work, we HELP!


Now let's talk about your recipe. Since you are translating a recipe, it's a good thing to begin with the title. I'm not even sure what kind of recipe this is. There are some wonderful cuisine sites online and it would have been a good idea to look at some recipes first in French. You need to decide if you are going to use the infinitive (which is often done) or the command in either familiar or formal.

You will not really learn if I just correct it for you, and I am not able to do that where I don't know what you are trying to say. So, here are my Proofreading Symbols. IF they print here, the next thing will be to look at your original post, putting parentheses (....) after an error to tell you what kind of error it is. Then you have the opportunity to correct what you can and repost for final proofreading. If you keep track of the kinds of errors you tend to make (Hit List) you will be less likely to repeat those errors.

Proofreading Symbols:
Barème de correction:

ort = orthographe (spelling)
gen = genre (gender)
con = concordance (agreement of subject/verb or subject/adjective or adj/noun)
inf = infinitif (infinitive required)
nom = nombre (singular/plural problem)
prép = préposition (preposition required = à, de, en, etc.)
t = temps de verbe (verb tense)
subj.=subjonctif (subjunctive needed)
v = mauvais verbe (wrong verb)
p = ponctuation (punctuation correction needed)
voc = vocabulaire (wrong vocabulary choice)
imp.= imparfait (imperfect needed)
p/c .= passé composé needed
n/s = aucun sens (not clear what you are trying to say)
/\ = il manque un mot (Missing a word)
/\ /\ /\ = il manque 3 mots (etc.) (Missing 3 words, etc.)
M/m = changer du haut de casse/bas (Change to upper or lower case)
INT = intervertir l'ordre des mots (Change word order)
Esp. = espace (Open a space)
Sesp. = sans espace (Close up the space)
SA = sans accent (Take off accent)
NP = nouveau paragraphe (New paragraph)
EM = enlever mot (Take out/omit word)
CP = changer la position (Change position)
AA = ajouter un accent (Add an accent)
GR = faute de grammaire (Grammatical error) (Specify)
** = effacer (delete) / retirer le mot précédent (Omit the preceding word)
MD = mal dit (not well said)

Can someone check this recipe for me? I don't know how to use "de" properly.

Here, I suggest you look at the posts entitled "French for Mischa" because there are reviews there, including a review of the articles, contraction and possession with "DE."

* 1 livre [454 g] de les (GR, ort, de + les = des) liens de saucisson (voc = saucisse vs. saucisson) italiens doux,(I have no idea whether the adjectives are to modify "liens" or the word for sausage. Decide that first and then check gender/number) a coupé (v = not a conjugated verb here but the adjectival form of "coupé")
* 6 oeufs
* 2 [10-ounce (voc = once is the spelling in French & it is plural) /de 284 mL chaque](n/s) d'emballe(n/s) gelé (n/s, gelée?) a coupé (v = see above)des épinards, dégelés et bien drainés
* 1 [16-ounce/(onces) de 454 g] du fromage de mozzarella de tas,(n/s = pile,heap?)(Probably 4 cups of shredded cheese?) a déchiqueté [4 tasses/1 L]
* 2/3 tasse [160 mL] du fromage de ricotta
* 1/2 teaspon(voc = cuiller vs. cuillerée à café) [2.5 mL] le (partitif = du) sel
* 1 [10 à de 11 onces/284 à de(n/s = 2 prepositions in a row?) 312 g] le mélange de piecrust de packet (the word order is so non-French, that I suspect you may have tried to translate literally and that NEVER works! = un paquet de croûte de pâté?)
* 1 cuillère à soupe [15 mL] (n/s = of water? de l'eau) eau

* Dans un de 10 pouces [25-cm] poêle,(MD, CP = word order = une poêle <frying pan?> de 10 pouces...) par-dessus la chaleur moyenne, la viande de saucisson de cuisinier,(voc = kitchen stove? = n/s) remuant fréquemment, jusqu' (Sesp)à bien browned,(voc = doré, but what noun does it modify?) à peu près 10 minutes.
* La Cuillère du gras de la poêle. (n/s frying pan fat?)
* Réserver 1 jaune d'oeuf.
* Dans un grand bol, combiner ensemble restant (voc = the remainder? le restant)que les oeufs et pousse blanc,(n/s = white sprout???) la viande de saucisson, drainée a coupé (v = see above) des épinards, le fromage de mozzarella déchiqueté, le fromage de ricotta et le sel.
* Diviser la pâte dans 2 parties, 1 légèrement plus grand (CP = bad word order and grande modifies "partie?") que l'autre ; former chaque partie dans une balle. (voc = balle vs. une boule)
* Sur une légèrement surface (CP = word order) de floured,(voc = farinée) utilisant un rouleau à pâtisserie de floured, le rouleau grande balle (n/s = 2 nouns?) dans un cercle, 2 pouces [5 cm] plus grand (adj = modifying "pouces?" Check number/gender) tout autour qu'un(n/s) de 9 pouces [23 cm] la plaque de tarte ; la plaque de tarte de ligne.(n/s = pie tin? = la tourtière & what is "de ligne?")
* Le mélange de saucisson de Cuillère dans la coquille de tarte. (n/s the entire sentence & pie shell = une croûte de pâte)
* Le Rouleau restant la balle de pâtisserie dans un de 10 pouces [25-cm] cercle. (n/s the entire sentence)
* Découper un petit cercle du (du vs. au) centre ; le transfert(n/s) par-dessus la garniture.
* Tailler le bord de tarte, partant (voc = leaving? laisser is the infinitive) 1/2 pouce [1.3 cm] le recouvrement (la reste?); le pli chevauchant la pâte au-dessous du bord et la presse le doucement tout autour bord, formant un bord de position-en haut. (n/s a large part of this; I think you are trying to say something about overlapping)
* La Coupure fend(n/s = split the cut?) sur le sommet de pâtisserie.
* Dans un petit bol, un battement a réservé ensemble le jaune d'oeuf et l'eau.(n/s = probably something about beating the rest of the yolk & water?)
* Le sommet de Brosse(n/s = the verb "brosser?" Capitalizing it looks like a German noun!) de tarte avec certains de pousse (n/s the 3 preceding words) le mélange de jaune.
* Les fragments de pâte de Rouleau (M/m rolling pin?) ensemble ; la coupure dans les formes décoratives, décorer le sommet de tarte et de brosse decoratins(n/s) avec le mélange de jaune d'oeuf.
* Le Cuire(M/m = noun or verb?) dans un a préchauffé 375°F [190°C] four(CP = word order has "four" followed by adjective) pour 1 1/4 heures, jusqu' à doré.
* Servir chaud, laisser la tarte représente (n/s)10 minutes à la température de pièce (voc = pièce vs. chambre, etc.) avant de le couper dans les coins.
* Servir le froid, réfrigérer la tarte, découverte, jusqu'à ce que(preposition or conjunction?) bien refroidi (adj modifying "tarte?") ; alors la couverture (noun vs. verb) avec le plastique emballe(plastic wrap? = adjectives usually follow the noun) et réfrigère jusqu'à ce que (preposition vs. conjunction) prêt(modifies "tarte?" Then it's feminine.) à servir.

NOTE: Always SIMPLIFY what you are trying to say. Be sure you know the French word order and be careful with parts of speech.

Hopefully you see the necessity of trying to correct as best you can and reposting for final checking.


To check the recipe, you can break it down into each ingredient and step to understand how it should be prepared. Here is a breakdown of the recipe along with a translation of each step:

- 1 pound [454 g] of sweet Italian sausage links, sliced
- 6 eggs
- 2 [10-ounce/284 mL each] packages of frozen chopped spinach, thawed and well drained
- 1 [16-ounce/454 g] container of shredded mozzarella cheese [4 cups/1 L]
- 2/3 cup [160 mL] of ricotta cheese
- 1/2 teaspoon [2.5 mL] of salt
- 1 [10 to 11 ounces/284 to 312 g] package of pie crust mix
- 1 tablespoon [15 mL] of water

1. In a 10-inch [25-cm] skillet, over medium heat, cook the sausage meat, stirring frequently, until well browned, about 10 minutes.
2. Spoon off the fat from the skillet.
3. Set aside 1 egg yolk.
4. In a large bowl, combine together the remaining eggs and egg white, cooked sausage meat, drained chopped spinach, shredded mozzarella cheese, ricotta cheese, and salt.
5. Divide the pie crust mix into 2 parts, one slightly larger than the other; shape each part into a ball.
6. On a lightly floured surface, using a floured rolling pin, roll the larger ball into a circle, 2 inches [5 cm] larger all around than a 9-inch [23 cm] pie plate; line the pie plate with the pastry crust.
7. Spoon the sausage mixture into the pie shell.
8. Roll out the remaining pastry ball into a 10-inch [25-cm] circle.
9. Cut out a small circle from the center; transfer it over the filling.
10. Trim the edge of the pie, leaving a 1/2-inch [1.3 cm] overlap; fold the pastry edge over the rim and press it gently all around the edge, forming a raised edge.
11. Cut slits on the top of the pastry.
12. In a small bowl, beat together the reserved egg yolk and water.
13. Brush the top of the pie with some of the egg mixture.
14. Roll together any pastry scraps; cut into decorative shapes, decorate the top of the pie, and brush the decorations with the egg yolk mixture.
15. Bake in a preheated 375°F [190°C] oven for 1 1/4 hours, or until golden.
16. Serve hot, let the pie stand for 10 minutes at room temperature before cutting into slices.
17. Serve cold, refrigerate the pie, uncovered, until well chilled; then cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to serve.

I hope this breakdown helps you understand the recipe better and check if there are any errors or missing steps.