About how many hundreds? 1,894 + 1,470

Would the answer be about 350?

Again, thank you!

No Actaul.

1,894 + 1,470 = 3364
So the answer would be 330 hundreds


No problem. That's why I'm here.

i need help on this problem can you help me 5+3(k+7)

You should post this as a new question.

I am not sure what you are asking. Do you need to simplify


then expand the brackets


and then collect like terms together


Though this is great help in all but what about distributive property problems like 7(y+11) You guys don't post help for problems like that, and I really need help

To determine how many hundreds are in the sum of 1,894 and 1,470, you need to follow these steps:

1. Add the two numbers together: 1,894 + 1,470 = 3,364.
2. Divide the sum by 100 to find how many hundreds are in the total: 3,364 ÷ 100 = 33.64.

Therefore, the answer is approximately 33.64 hundreds.

To round this number, you have two options:
1. Rounding down: If you need a whole number, you can round down to 33 hundreds.
2. Rounding to the nearest whole number: If you want to round to the nearest hundred, you can round up to 34 hundreds.

So, the answer would be either 33 hundreds or approximately 34 hundreds, depending on how you choose to round the number.