what are the advantages and disadnavtages of using a globe to show earth surface

A globe shows the earth to scale, with continents and oceans shown in the shapes and relative proportions they really are.

However, most globes are too small to show much detail. Huge globes 10 or 12 feet in diameter are too expensive for most people or museums. Besides, it's not practical to carry around even a 12-inch globe.

The earth is round... a globe is round. Therefore, you are seeing the actual relationships between the countries that you would not see if you are looking at a map on a flat surface.

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The advantages of using a globe to show the Earth's surface include:

1. Accuracy: A globe provides a realistic representation of the Earth, as it accurately portrays the shape, size, and spatial relationships between continents, countries, and oceans.

2. Scale: Globes can display the Earth at different scales, allowing for a comprehensive view of the planet as a whole or focusing on specific regions.

3. Three-dimensionality: By being three-dimensional, a globe allows for a better understanding of the Earth's geography, including the curvature of the Earth, mountain ranges, and ocean depths.

4. Easy visualization: Globes make it easier to comprehend the concept of Earth as a spherical object, enabling a clearer understanding of the distribution of land and water bodies.

However, there are also some disadvantages to using a globe:

1. Portability: Globes are relatively large and bulky, making them less portable compared to other two-dimensional representations like maps. This can limit their practicality in certain situations.

2. Detail limitations: Due to the spherical shape, some areas on a globe may be distorted or less detailed, particularly near the poles. This can sometimes lead to inaccuracies in depicting specific locations.

3. Cost: Compared to flat maps or digital representations, globes can be more expensive to produce, especially in larger sizes or with high-quality materials.

To get answers regarding the advantages and disadvantages of using a globe, you can conduct research by consulting educational websites, geography textbooks, or encyclopedias. These resources often provide comprehensive information on the topic. Additionally, you can ask experts in geography or cartography for their insights on the subject, or visit a local library where you can find books specifically dedicated to globes and their pros and cons.