how many cities are in oceania

Oceania doesn't have fixed boundaries. For example, some geographers include Australia and others don't. How does your text define Oceania?

How do you define a city? What is the minimum population needed for a city?

To find out how many cities are in Oceania, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by researching a reliable source that provides information about cities in Oceania. One example is the United Nations' World Urbanization Prospects database or official government websites of countries in Oceania.

2. Visit the website and look for the section that specifically focuses on cities or urban areas.

3. Explore the available data and locate the information related to Oceania. This might be presented as a list or a table of cities.

4. Count the number of cities listed within Oceania.

Please note that the definition of a "city" can vary depending on the source or country. Some sources might classify towns or smaller settlements as cities, while others may have different criteria or classifications. Taking this into account, make sure to analyze the source and understand how they define a city within the context of Oceania.