A gallon of paint can cover an area of 385 square feet. How thick is the coat of paint in inches.



Find out how many inches are in a square foot and then multiply that by 385.

that gives me a rather large answer, i believe its thickness would be less than an inch

To determine the thickness of the coat of paint in inches, you'll need to convert the area covered by the paint from square feet to cubic inches.

First, you need to know that there are 12 inches in a foot—this conversion will be useful later.

To convert square feet to cubic inches, you'll multiply the area in square feet by the height (thickness) in feet, and then multiply the result by 12 to convert to cubic inches.

Let's assume the coat of paint is evenly spread, so the thickness would be the same throughout.

Area covered by the paint = 385 square feet

To calculate the thickness of the coat of paint in inches, we need to know the height (thickness) in feet.

If you have the height in feet or you want to assume a specific thickness, you can plug that value into the formula I mentioned earlier to get the thickness in inches.

For example, if the height is 1 foot (or you want to assume a thickness of 1 foot), the calculation would be as follows:

Thickness in inches = (Area covered by the paint in square feet) x (Height in feet) x 12
Thickness in inches = 385 square feet x 1 foot x 12
Thickness in inches = 4,620 inches

So, if the thickness of the coat of paint is 1 foot, it would be approximately 4,620 inches thick.

If you have a different height in mind, you can plug that value into the formula to calculate the thickness accordingly.