Is this an example of a structured,or an unstructured, or a child-initiated activity?

Mrs. Bates watched David work a puzzle
that he had chosen from the ones she
put on the table. She listened and commented when David made guesses at
the correct location for the pieces.

Is it an unstructured activity?
Thanks for helping

It seems to me that a structured activity is one that the teacher directs -- such as a group project or discussion. But that didn't happen here. The child chose to work on the jigsaw puzzle. Therefore, it must be a child-initiated activity.

Flannel board stories encourage the language arts skill of __________ more than other skills.

A. listening

B. writing

C. speaking

D. reading

Based on the given information, this activity can be classified as an unstructured activity.

To determine this, we need to understand the characteristics of different types of activities:

1. Structured activity: In a structured activity, the teacher or adult sets clear guidelines, instructions, and objectives for the activity. The activity usually follows a specific curriculum or agenda. The teacher has control over the activity and directs the students' engagement in it.

2. Unstructured activity: In an unstructured activity, there is no predetermined or strict structure or guidelines provided by the teacher or adult. The activity is more open-ended, allowing the child to explore and make choices independently. The teacher's role is to observe, assist, and facilitate the child's engagement in the activity, but without direct control or clear instructions.

3. Child-initiated activity: A child-initiated activity emphasizes the child's own interests and motivations. The child takes the lead in choosing and directing the activity. The adult's role is to support and facilitate the child's choices and interests.

In the given scenario, Mrs. Bates is watching David work on a puzzle that he had chosen from the options she put on the table. She listens to David's guesses and comments on them. This indicates that Mrs. Bates is not providing strict guidelines or instructions for the activity, which aligns with an unstructured activity. Additionally, since David is the one who chose the puzzle and is making guesses independently, it also partially aligns with a child-initiated activity.

So, based on the given information, we can classify the activity as an unstructured activity.