I need to do very good on this and i have to find 4 events before ferdands murder that led up/contributed to the start of world war 1. And i have to give specific examples. Please help me out!!!!

It would mean so much

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First it was Ferdinands murder not Ferdands.

The Treaty of Berlin (1878) was one event before his murder. All the people who plotted to kill Ferdinand were Bosnian. The killers were basically high school students who were unhappy with conditions in Bosnia. Basically Ferdinands death led to a war between Serbia nd Austria. These aren't necessarily events leading to the war but I hope this helps some.

Of course! I'm here to help you. To find four events before Ferdinand's murder that contributed to the start of World War 1, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the context
Before diving into specific examples, it's essential to grasp the overall context of the lead-up to World War 1. This includes factors such as the rivalry between European powers, the arms race, imperial ambitions, and previous conflicts.

Step 2: Research major events and causes
Identify and explore major events and causes that were significant in paving the way for World War 1. These can include political alliances, territorial disputes, and growing nationalism. Some key factors to look into are:

1. Alliance system:
- Franco-Russian Alliance: The alliance between France and Russia in 1894 aimed to counterbalance the German threat.
- Entente Cordiale: The 1904 agreement between Britain and France helped to resolve colonial disputes and reduced tensions between them.

2. Arms race:
- Naval Arms Race: The late 19th-century naval competition between Britain and Germany escalated tensions between the two powers.
- Military Buildup: The rapid militarization and arms expansion among major European powers increased the potential for conflict.

3. Imperialism:
- Moroccan Crises: The first crisis occurred in 1905-1906, where tensions spiked between Germany, France, and Britain over influence in Morocco.
- Balkan Wars: The wars (1912-1913) resulted in territorial shifts and added to the complex web of alliances and rivalries in the Balkan region.

4. Nationalism and Balkan instability:
- Assassination of King Alexander and Queen Draga (1903): The overthrow of the Obrenovic dynasty in Serbia led to political instability in the Balkans.
- Balkan Nationalist Movements: Emerging nationalist movements in the Balkans, particularly in Serbia and Austria-Hungary, contributed to growing tensions.

Step 3: Select specific examples
Choose specific events or incidents that illustrate each of the above factors. For example:

- Alliance system: The signing of the Triple Entente between Russia, France, and Britain in 1907.
- Arms race: The launch of the HMS Dreadnought battleship by Britain in 1906, triggering a new era in naval technology.
- Imperialism: The Bosnian Crisis of 1908-1909, in which Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina, causing outrage among Serbian nationalists.
- Nationalism and Balkan instability: The Young Bosnia movement and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914.

Remember, these are just a few examples, and there are numerous events that contributed to the start of World War 1. Ensure you research and select the events that best support your argument.

Good luck with your assignment, and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask!