A number cube is marked with 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 on its faces. Suppose you roll the number cube one time. Find the probability of each event.

#1. P(4) #2. P(4,5, or 6)
#3. P(3 or 5)
Could someone let me know if these are correct, THANK YOU!
#1. 1:6 1/6 1 to 6

#2. 1:2 1/2 1 to 2

#3. 1:3 1/3 1 to 3

To find the probability of an event, you need to divide the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes.

In this case,
1. P(4): The number cube has one face marked with a 4. So, there is 1 favorable outcome (getting a 4) out of 6 possible outcomes (rolling any number between 1 and 6). Therefore, the probability is 1/6.

2. P(4, 5, or 6): The number cube has three faces marked with 4, 5, and 6. So, there are 3 favorable outcomes (getting a 4, 5, or 6) out of 6 possible outcomes. Therefore, the probability is 3/6 or simplified as 1/2.

3. P(3 or 5): The number cube has two faces marked with 3 and 5. So, there are 2 favorable outcomes (getting a 3 or 5) out of 6 possible outcomes. Therefore, the probability is 2/6 or simplified as 1/3.

So, your answers are correct.

Your calculations for the probabilities are correct. Here are the probabilities for each event:

#1. P(4) = 1/6
#2. P(4, 5, or 6) = 3/6 = 1/2
#3. P(3 or 5) = 2/6 = 1/3

So, your answers are correct.

I am pretty sure that 1 is right, but 2 should be 3:6 whether or not you can reduce I don't remember. For #3 it should be so again I am not sure if you can reduce to 1:3 cause that is not really the probability! If you can reduce, then nice work!