Evaluate the expressions:

1. -8x when x=6

2. 3xsquared-5x when x=-2

3. -4((the absolute value sign) y-12 (the absolute value sign))when y=5

You can do these. Just substitute the indicated number value or y in the equation and do the computation.

For example, in #3, if y = 5, y-12 is -7 and the absolute value of that is +7. Multiply that by 4 for the answer.

Now you try the others. Show your work if you need further help.

How are these:

1. -48
2. 22
3. -28

all correct.

whoa.i dunno

To evaluate each expression, we substitute the given value for the variable and perform the necessary calculations.

1. -8x when x = 6:
Substitute x = 6 into the expression:
Therefore, the value of -8x when x = 6 is -48.

2. 3x^2 - 5x when x = -2:
Substitute x = -2 into the expression:
3(-2)^2 - 5(-2)
Simplify inside the parentheses first:
3(4) + 10
12 + 10
Therefore, the value of 3x^2 - 5x when x = -2 is 22.

3. -4|y - 12| when y = 5:
Substitute y = 5 into the expression:
-4|5 - 12|
Simplify inside the absolute value:
The absolute value of -7 is 7 since it represents the distance from -7 to 0 on the number line.
Substitute this absolute value back into the expression:
Therefore, the value of -4|y - 12| when y = 5 is -28.