how to convert grams andmeters and stuff like that?

To what do you want to convert grams? meters?

Surely there are examples in your text. There are several ways to convert, and I recommend you follow the technique in your text.

To convert between different units, such as grams and meters, you need to understand the conversion factors between those units. Conversion factors are ratios that relate two different units of measurement. Here's how you can convert between grams and meters:

1. Determine the conversion factor: You can find conversion factors online or in reference books. In this case, the conversion factor between grams and meters depends on the specific substance you are dealing with. For simplicity, let's assume you want to convert between grams (g) and kilograms (kg), since grams are a unit of mass and meters are a unit of length.

The conversion factor is: 1 kilogram (kg) = 1000 grams (g)

2. Write down the given value: Let's say you have 500 grams of a substance.

3. Set up the conversion equation: Use the conversion factor to set up an equation to convert from grams to kilograms. Since the conversion factor states that 1 kilogram is equal to 1000 grams, you can set up the equation:

500 grams (g) = x kilograms (kg)

4. Solve the equation: To find x, divide both sides of the equation by the conversion factor:

500 g / 1000 g/kg = x kg

x = 0.5 kg

So, 500 grams is equal to 0.5 kilograms.

Note: The process for converting between different units may vary depending on the specific units involved. Always check the specific conversion factor and set up the equation accordingly.