what is a function and how do u tell the difference between one and something else? in my hw, there's these 3 graphs, all have a column for inputs and outputs and we have to point out which one or two represents a function...please help me! thank u so much!

I don't know what you might mean by "something else", but a function should be defined in your book. In short, if any x-value leads to two or more y-values, then whatever relation you have is not a function.

I can't see your graphs or columns or whatever, so I can't speak specifically to that. Sorry.

A function is a mathematical relationship between an input value and its corresponding output value. In simpler terms, it can be seen as a rule that assigns each input value to a unique output value.

To determine if a given graph represents a function, you need to check if each input value (x-coordinate) is associated with a single and unique output value (y-coordinate) without any repetition. Here are a few steps you can follow:

1. Look at the input column (x-values) of the graph. Check if all the values are distinct, meaning there are no repeated values. If there are any repeated values in the input column, then it does not represent a function.

2. Examine the output column (y-values) of the graph. Make sure that each input value has only one corresponding output value. If there are any cases where a single input value is associated with multiple output values, then it does not represent a function.

3. If, after these checks, you find that all the input values have a unique output value, then the graph represents a function.

Note that if there is more than one input value associated with the same output value, it is still a valid function. However, if even a single input value is associated with multiple output values, then it is not a function.

Apply this process to each of the three graphs in your homework, and you should be able to determine which one or two represent a function.