The moonless,brisk night was perfect for holloween . cany you tell me the simple and complete subject?

What is the "thing" that the sentence is about? Please repost with your answer and we will be happy to help further.

Find the verb first, and then it's easier to find the subject. Once you've identified the verb, ask yourself "what (verb)?"


Sure! To determine the simple subject of a sentence, you need to identify the main noun or pronoun that the sentence is about. In this case, the sentence "The moonless, brisk night was perfect for Halloween" has a compound subject.

First, let's break down the sentence:

- "The moonless, brisk night": This phrase contains two adjectives ("moonless" and "brisk") describing the noun "night."
- "was perfect": This is the main verb phrase of the sentence.
- "for Halloween": This prepositional phrase provides additional information about the purpose of the night.

Now, let's focus on the subject:

- "The moonless, brisk night": Both "moonless" and "brisk" describe the type of night, but the noun "night" is the actual subject of the sentence.

Therefore, the complete subject is "The moonless, brisk night."