What are some examples of a suspension?

Mud or muddy water, is where soil, clay, or silt particles are suspended in water.

Flour suspended in water, as pictured to the right.
Chalk powder suspended in water.
Dust particles suspended in air.

Found on Wikipedia under Suspension (chemistry)


A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture in which solid particles are dispersed throughout a liquid or gas medium. Here are a few common examples of suspensions:

1. Muddy water: When soil particles get suspended in water, it forms a suspension. The particles are not dissolved but instead dispersed throughout the water.

2. Orange juice with pulp: Orange juice containing small pieces of fruit pulp is a suspension. The pulp is suspended in the liquid, giving it a cloudy appearance.

3. Paint: Paint is a suspension of pigment particles in a liquid medium. The pigments remain dispersed in the liquid but settle over time, requiring stirring or shaking to redistribute them evenly.

4. Blood: Blood is a suspension of various cells, such as red and white blood cells, in plasma. These particles remain suspended throughout the liquid component.

To determine if a substance is a suspension, you can follow these steps:

1. Observe the mixture: Look for any visible solid particles or cloudiness in the liquid. Suspensions usually appear heterogeneous, with particles dispersed throughout the medium.

2. Let the mixture stand: Allow the mixture to settle undisturbed. If solid particles gradually settle to the bottom over time, it suggests a suspension.

3. Shake or stir the mixture: Agitate the mixture to see if the particles become evenly dispersed again. Suspensions require stirring or shaking to redistribute the solid particles.

By employing these steps, you can identify and understand various examples of suspensions.