How many Mm2 would there be in 43.65 dm2 Mm stands for Mega meters and dm stands for decimeters

plz i need help

look it up at google ..type in how many mega meters are in a decimeter

i tried is there anyway you can please help me

help me out please i need it badly

help i don't know the answer

There are 10^7 decimeters per Megameter, or 10^-7 Mm/dm.

Square that number for the ratio of dm/Mm^2. You will get 10^-14 Mm^2/dm^2

Since you have 43.65 dm^2, multiply that by 10^14 for the answer.

To convert from dm² (square decimeters) to Mm² (square mega meters), we need to understand the conversion factors.

1 Mm is equal to 1,000,000 meters.
1 dm is equal to 0.1 meters.

To convert from dm² to Mm², we need to square both sides of the conversion factor:

(1 dm)² = (0.1 meters)² = 0.01 square meters
(1 Mm)² = (1,000,000 meters)² = 1,000,000,000,000 square meters

Now, let's convert 43.65 dm² to Mm²:

43.65 dm² * (0.01 square meters/1 dm²) * (1 Mm²/1,000,000,000,000 square meters)

By canceling out the units, we get:

(43.65 * 0.01 * 1) / 1,000,000,000,000 Mm²

Simplifying the equation:

0.0004365 Mm²

Therefore, there would be approximately 0.0004365 Mm² in 43.65 dm².