calculate how much sulfanilamide will remain dissolved n the mother liquor after the mixture is cooled to 0 degrees Celsius?

To calculate how much sulfanilamide will remain dissolved in the mother liquor after the mixture is cooled to 0 degrees Celsius, you will need to determine the solubility of sulfanilamide at that temperature. The solubility of a compound refers to the maximum amount of the compound that can dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a specific temperature.

Finding the solubility of sulfanilamide at 0 degrees Celsius typically requires consulting a solubility chart or a reliable source such as a scientific database or reference book. In this case, let's assume that the solubility of sulfanilamide in water at 0 degrees Celsius is 10 grams per 100 mL of water.

Next, you will need to know the initial concentration of sulfanilamide in the solution, often expressed in grams per liter or milligrams per milliliter. Let's assume the initial concentration is 50 grams per liter.

To calculate how much sulfanilamide will remain dissolved in the mother liquor, you can use the following equation:

Amount of Sulfanilamide remaining = Initial concentration × Volume of the Solution - Amount of sulfanilamide precipitated

The volume of the solution can be determined by the amount of solvent used in the original mixture. For example, if you have 500 milliliters (0.5 liters) of the solution, the volume would be 0.5 liters.

The amount of sulfanilamide precipitated is the difference between the initial amount and the amount remaining. Considering the solubility of sulfanilamide at 0 degrees Celsius is 10 grams per 100 mL, you can find the amount precipitated by subtracting the amount remaining from the initial amount:

Amount of sulfanilamide precipitated = Initial concentration - Amount of sulfanilamide remaining

For example, let's say you have a 500 mL solution with an initial concentration of 50 grams per liter. Using the solubility of sulfanilamide at 0 degrees Celsius as 10 grams per 100 mL, the calculations would be as follows:

First, convert the initial concentration to grams per mL:
Initial concentration = 50 grams / 1000 mL = 0.05 grams/mL

Calculate the amount remaining:
Amount of sulfanilamide remaining = 0.05 grams/mL × 500 mL = 25 grams

Calculate the amount precipitated:
Amount of sulfanilamide precipitated = 50 grams - 25 grams = 25 grams

Therefore, after cooling the mixture to 0 degrees Celsius, 25 grams of sulfanilamide will remain dissolved in the mother liquor.

To calculate how much sulfanilamide will remain dissolved in the mother liquor after the mixture is cooled to 0 degrees Celsius, we need to consider the solubility of sulfanilamide at different temperatures.

First, we need to find the solubility of sulfanilamide at room temperature. Let's assume it is 10 grams per 100 milliliters of water.

Next, we need to determine the solubility of sulfanilamide at 0 degrees Celsius. Let's assume it is 5 grams per 100 milliliters of water.

To calculate the amount of sulfanilamide remaining dissolved after cooling, we need to find the difference between the amount of sulfanilamide initially dissolved and the amount that falls out of solution upon cooling.

Assuming we start with 200 milliliters of solution containing sulfanilamide, we need to calculate the initial amount dissolved and the difference between the initial amount and the amount at 0 degrees Celsius.

1. Calculate the initial amount of sulfanilamide dissolved:
Initial amount = (initial solubility / 100) * volume of solution
= (10 grams / 100 mL) * 200 mL
= 20 grams

2. Calculate the amount that falls out of solution after cooling to 0 degrees Celsius:
Difference = initial amount - amount at 0 degrees Celsius
= 20 grams - (5 grams / 100 mL) * 200 mL
= 20 grams - 10 grams
= 10 grams

Therefore, after cooling the mixture to 0 degrees Celsius, 10 grams of sulfanilamide will remain dissolved in the mother liquor.

You need to know the solubility of sulfanilamide in the solvent you are using at the temprature of 0 degrees C.