Could some one please help me I need to balance an equation using the lowest possible coefficients including state of compounds, I am struggling with it.

The equation is

Al4C3 + H2O -> Al(OH)3 + CH4

I would be very grateful for any help.

rewrite water as HOH

Al4C3 + H OH >> Al(OH)3 + CH4

Now start here:

Al4C3 + H OH >> 4Al(OH)3 + 3CH4

Balance the water, it should balance quickly.

Thank you

Sure, I can help you balance this equation!

To balance the equation, we need to make sure that the number of atoms of each element is the same on both sides of the equation.

Let's start by counting the number of atoms for each element on each side of the equation:

On the left side (reactant side):
- Al: 4
- C: 3
- H: 2
- O: 1

On the right side (product side):
- Al: 1
- C: 1
- H: 5
- O: 3

Now, let's go step by step to balance the equation.

First, let's balance Carbon (C) atoms. We have 3 carbons on the left side and only 1 carbon on the right side. To equalize them, put a coefficient of 3 in front of CH4:

Al4C3 + H2O -> Al(OH)3 + 3CH4

Now, let's balance Hydrogen (H) atoms. We have 2 hydrogens on the left side and 12 hydrogens (3x4) on the right side. To equalize them, put a coefficient of 6 in front of H2O:

Al4C3 + 6H2O -> Al(OH)3 + 3CH4

Next, let's balance Aluminum (Al) atoms. We have 4 aluminum atoms on the left side and only 1 aluminum atom on the right side. To equalize them, put a coefficient of 4 in front of Al(OH)3:

4Al4C3 + 6H2O -> 4Al(OH)3 + 3CH4

Lastly, let's balance Oxygen (O) atoms. We have 6 oxygen atoms on the left side (6 in H2O) and 12 oxygen atoms (4x3) on the right side (6 in Al(OH)3). To equalize them, put a coefficient of 4 in front of H2O:

4Al4C3 + 24H2O -> 4Al(OH)3 + 3CH4

Now, the equation is balanced with the lowest possible coefficients, considering the states of the compounds. The final balanced equation is:

4Al4C3 + 24H2O -> 4Al(OH)3 + 3CH4

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.