How do you go about solving this problem?

x(a/4+1)y(c+3/2) /(x2)by-c+1

I am so confused about this. I don't get it! Please help.

To solve this problem, we'll follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS or BIDMAS) which states that you should perform operations inside parentheses (brackets) first, then any exponents, followed by multiplication and division from left to right, and finally addition and subtraction from left to right.

Let's break down the expression step by step and apply the order of operations.

1. Start by simplifying the expression inside the parentheses:
(a/4 + 1) can be simplified to (a/4 + 4/4) = ((a + 4)/4)
(c + 3/2) remains the same

So the expression becomes:
x(a + 4)/4 * y(c + 3/2) / (x^2)by - c + 1

2. Next, divide the numerator and denominator of the fraction by (x^2):
(xa + 4x) / (4x^2) * y(c + 3/2) / by - c + 1

3. Multiply the terms in the numerator:
xay(c + 3/2) + 4xy / (4x^2) * y(c + 3/2) / by - c + 1

4. Multiply the terms in the denominator:
xay(c + 3/2) + 4xy / (4x^2) * y(c + 3/2) / (b(y - c + 1))

5. Finally, simplify further if necessary, but this would depend on the context or any specific values provided for the variables a, b, c, x, and y.

Remember, this is a general process for simplifying the given expression. Depending on the specific values of the variables, further simplification or substitution might be possible.