We have to write a paper on characters who have been shunned. Give that person a letter (like Scarlett Letter) and tell about an apology for what they did. Person can be anyone from Billy the Kid to Martha Stewart. Any ideas???

Where can e get a paper like this for free. We need collaborative HELP!!!


First, why would anyone GIVE a stranger a well-written paper? Why would a student want to take a chance on another person's work? And, why would experienced teachers tell a student how to cheat?

Check these sites to get some ideas for your paper.


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Do you want good grades? The best way is to learn the subject. When you cheat, you only cheat yourself as you won't know the informstion that the next assignment or the next year's teacher will expect you to know. This assignment is trying to get you to think about how to deal with others and how to put your thoughts into words. This is an important skill that you will definitely need for the rest of your life, let alone this class. Take the time to do your own work. Then you can be proud of your grade, whatever it is.

To find a paper about characters who have been shunned and their apologies, you can consider the following steps:

Step 1: Research and Choose a Character
Start by conducting some research on individuals who have experienced shunning or social ostracism. Look for historical figures, literary characters, or even contemporary personalities who fit this criteria. Consider their actions, the consequences they faced, and any potential apologies they made.

Step 2: Select a Character and Write a Letter of Apology
Once you have decided on a character, imagine the circumstances surrounding their shunning and think about what they may have done to warrant an apology. Craft a letter of apology as if it were written by the character, expressing remorse for their actions and acknowledging the impact it had on others.

Step 3: Collaborate with Others
To seek collaborative help for your paper, you can try the following methods:

1) Consult with classmates: Discuss the assignment with your classmates to generate ideas, share knowledge, and potentially collaborate on the paper together.

2) Form a study group: Organize a study group with fellow students who are working on similar assignments. You can all brainstorm ideas, share resources, and provide feedback on each other's work.

3) Seek help from online communities: Join online forums or platforms dedicated to academic discussions, where you can find other students or individuals interested in collaborating on writing projects. Be sure to follow any rules and guidelines provided by these communities.

4) Utilize writing and collaboration tools: Online platforms like Google Docs or Microsoft Word Online allow multiple users to collaborate on documents simultaneously. You can share your document with classmates or other collaborators, allowing them to contribute, edit, or provide feedback in real time.

Regarding finding a free paper specifically tailored to your topic, it might be challenging to locate an existing document that precisely matches your requirements. It is generally best to write your paper from scratch to ensure originality and meet your specific needs.

Remember to always give credit to any sources you use in your paper by properly citing them according to the appropriate citation style (e.g., MLA, APA, etc.). Plagiarism is a serious academic offense, so it's crucial to avoid copying someone else's work without proper attribution.

Good luck with your paper, and I hope these suggestions help you with your collaborative efforts!