I find the mode in the set of data. i add them together. After that do i divide them by 2 or do I leave the numbers????

yes, add the two remaining number and divide by two.

wait, are you looking for median or mode? For median, you would find the number that falls in the middle and add the two remaining numbers and divide by two. For mode, you just find whichever number(s) appear the most.

To find the mode in a set of data, you need to identify the number(s) that appear the most frequently. Adding the numbers together wouldn't give you the mode, but instead the sum of the numbers. The mode represents the value(s) that occur most often.

So, you should not add the numbers together to find the mode. Instead, you would leave the numbers as they are and identify the value(s) that occur most frequently.

However, it's worth noting that a dataset can have multiple modes or no mode at all. If there are multiple values that occur with the same highest frequency, the dataset is considered multimodal. If there is no value that appears more frequently than others, the dataset is considered amodal.